Softwave stands out as a unique and innovative device in the market, offering both focused and unfocused shockwaves. This flexibility allows for a comprehensive approach to regenerative medicine. With precise focus technology, it delivers highly effective treatment to specific areas, while using unfocused shockwaves ensures broader coverage for maximum therapeutic benefits.

What sets Softwave apart is its direct delivery of healing energy into your tissue, activating self-repair without inducing micro-trauma. Experience effective and safe healing with Softwave OrthoGold 350 – the ultimate solution for regenerative therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Softwave (shockwave) therapy?

Softwaves are acoustic pulses that apply short, frequent, and high-intensity bursts of mechanical energy (in the form of a shockwave) into soft tissue that is injured, scarred, contains adhesions, is painful, or inflamed.

What differentiates Softwave from other forms of Shockwave?

Softwaves are acoustic pulses that apply short, frequent, and high-intensity bursts of mechanical energy (in the form of a shockwave) into soft tissue that is injured, scarred, contains adhesions, is painful, or inflamed.

What are the risks of Softwave?

Unlike other highly focused forms of shockwave therapy, Softwave utilizes a broader spectrum pulse that reduces the risk of tissue damage and eliminates the risk of adverse reactions to internal organs.

After SoftWave, there might be some side effects. You might experience things like swelling, redness, or bruises. There could also be tiny red spots called petechiae or skin lesions, especially if you had cortisone therapy before. Sometimes, the pain might worsen temporarily, and there might be more bruises or swelling. These side effects are usually temporary and typically go away within 5 to 10 days.

You may experience some fatigue for 24 to 48 hours. It is a natural reaction of your body’s cells repairing and healing themselves. These therapies stimulate the healing process, and your body works hard to heal and improve. Proper hydration is critical in the process.

What are the recommended instructions for post-treatment care following Softwave treatment sessions?

The Softwave treatment stimulates an inflammatory response, the body’s natural healing process. Therefore, it is crucial to refrain from using anti-inflammatory medications and applying ice after the Softwave treatment. If you experience pain, it should subside within 24 hours. You may experience some tissue sensitivity at the site treated for up to 48 hours after your therapy session. You may use Tylenol if necessary, provided you have no known issues with this medication. In addition, you should decrease activity for 48 hours following the treatment.

Staying hydrated is critical to promote healing after your treatments.

We want you to be informed of all aspects of this treatment. By signing the consent section on our Client Intake Form, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the risks and benefits of shockwave therapy; and consent to have this therapy administered.

How does SoftWave help you?

Benefits include pain relief and reduced inflammation. Softwave can also lower the immune response that causes inflammation and aids in fighting infections.

SoftWave activates stem cells, enhancing their healing and growth capabilities. It also assists in tissue remodeling and regeneration, facilitating the body’s repair and rebuilding processes.


Is Softwave cleared by FDA?

Yes.  Softwave OrthoGold is cleared by FDA for the following benefits:

Increases blood supply
Reduces acute and chronic pain
Temporarily increases local blood circulation
Activates connective tissue
Promotes regeneration and healing
Modulate inflammation

How many sessions do I need?

Before considering SoftWave or any therapy, it’s important to receive a proper diagnosis. If you’re experiencing new pain with an unclear cause, it is crucial to have your doctor assess you first as they can determine the best course of action based on your specific situation.

When SoftWave is used alone, the number of treatments depends on the type and severity of the pain. For acute, mild pain, the average is 1-3 treatments. For mild to moderate chronic pain, it’s usually about 3-6 treatments. If the condition involves more than moderate pain, it may require beyond 6 sessions. The treatments are normally provided at weekly intervals. To maintain the benefits of the treatment and enhance results, having maintenance sessions every few months is recommended.

For severe chronic pain, it’s not recommended to rely solely on SoftWave. In such cases, it’s advisable to work with a good physical therapist as part of a multi-disciplinary team approach. SoftWave can enhance outcomes when combined with proper physical therapy. However, it’s recommended to complete three sessions of SoftWave before starting physical therapy to fully benefit from the treatment.

How soon can I expect to see improvements?

The results of Softwave can vary for each person and depend on factors such as medical history, type and location of pain, severity, and duration of the injury. Most people experience improvement after 1-3 sessions.  The optimal results fully manifest in three months after the last treatment. This is because it takes at least three months for the tissues to fully heal and regenerate through the three phases of healing: physical, chemical, and biological.


Do you accept credit card?

Yes! Fig Wellness Therapy only accepts credit card payment for services.

Note: We do not accept check or cash payments.

Will my insurance be accepted?

Softwave Therapy is not covered by most insurance providers. Submitting this service for approval can result in the total cost of the service increasing dramatically. FIG Wellness Therapy controls costs by not partnering with insurance providers.

Do I need a doctor's referral to receive treatment?

Arizona’s legislation permits Direct Access to both occupational and physical therapy, addressing issues like muscle and joint pain, pelvic health, and sexual dysfunction. Essentially, this allows individuals to directly consult a physical or occupational therapist of their choosing for necessary treatment and resources without needing a referral. Similarly, in the United States, chiropractic care is considered primary care. Thus, there’s no requirement for a referral to see a chiropractor. Chiropractors are equipped to diagnose and treat patients independently, allowing you to contact them directly to arrange your care.

Do you have more information if I want to learn more?

At FIG Wellness Therapy, we believe clients should be fully informed about their treatments. Please read our Consent Forms for further explanations.
Softwave Therapy Consent Form- Orthopedic/Sport Injuries | Click here to view

Softwave Therapy Consent Form- Women’s Health | Click here to view