Pelvic Health


  • Activate

    Stimulate circulation initiates a regenerative process, leading to the formation of new blood cells.

  • Calm

    • Promote scar healing and cellular regeneration.
    • Alleviate inflammation and pain.
    • Calm nerves to relieve pelvic spasms/hyperactivity.
    • Recruit stem cells for repair.
  • Restore

    Restoration of tissue elasticity and pelvic health.

Issues & Conditions Treated

Sofwave therapy works well with medical management, acupuncture, chiropractic care, physical/occupational therapy, surgeries, PRP injections, and stem-cell injections to improve results.

Are you experiencing pelvic pain or pain related to intercourse, ejaculation, or erection? You’ve consulted a doctor and ruled out cancer, but are you seeking relief instead of just living with it?
Are you facing discomfort after pelvic surgery(non-cancer related) and looking for recovery options?
Does genital or pelvic pain interfere with your sexual pleasure?
Do you struggle with urinary incontinence and wish to address it?
Is your anal fissure causing pain and discomfort in your daily life?
Do you have pain in your tailbone when sitting or standing up?
Do you experience sudden, sharp pain that comes and goes quickly in your rectal area?

We treat:

Surgery Scars

Urinary Incontinence

Painful Sex

Perineum Tear

Pelvic Pain or/and Genital Pain (Pudendal Neuralgia)

Anal Fissure

Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia or Coccygodynia)

Proctalgia Fugax

Post Vaginoplasty/Labiaplasty/Perineoplasty Recovery

Post Pelvic Surgery Recovery (None-Cancer related Surgeries)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if Softwave treatment is right for me?

Softwave treatment reduces inflammation and pain, breaks down scar tissue, promotes collagen synthesis and blood circulation, and triggers cellular messengers to accelerate healing naturally. It’s a non-invasive, safe option for pelvic rehabilitation—no internal exams or treatments are required.

While effective for listed conditions, it can also benefit others. For inquiries, please leave a message at (602) 887-7632; we’ll respond promptly, usually within the same or the next day.

To determine suitability, consult a healthcare professional who can assess your medical history and treatment needs.

Who are not good candidates for Softwave treatment?

We do not provide treatments for open wounds or neck injuries. These cases require specialized evaluations and treatments. If you have had recent surgeries or procedures in the intended treatment area, please obtain permission from your surgeon before scheduling an appointment with us. For further inquiries, please call (602) 887-7632.

Your safety is our priority. Softwave Therapy may not be suitable if you have any of the following conditions. Please consult your doctor for alternative options and consider canceling your appointment if applicable:

  • Unknown or exacerbated pain that may indicate underlying medical issues requiring evaluation by your doctor before treatment.
  • Coagulation disorders or blood clots within or near the intended treatment area.
  • Use of anticoagulants, particularly Marcumar, Heparin, or Coumadin.
  • Pregnancy (appropriate after childbirth).
  • FIG Wellness Therapy treats adults only; we do not treat children or teens.
  • Tumor diseases or a history of cancerous tissues in or near the treatment areas.
  • Systemic cancers such as leukemia.
  • Active infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • History of seizures or seizure disorders.
  • History of fainting of unknown cause or vagal response.
  • Vaginal bleeding between periods or after menopause without prior consultation with your gynecologist.


Due to the delayed onset of biological effects, individuals with certain conditions may require additional treatment sessions and extended healing time. However, Softwave Therapy can still provide beneficial results.

  • You take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn), or others prescribed by your provider.
  • Recent surgeries or procedures in the intended treatment area require discussion with your doctor and obtaining medical clearance before scheduling a Softwave session.
  • Suppose you take a low daily dose of Eliquis and are at a higher risk for bruising. In that case, Softwave Therapy can still offer positive outcomes.

How do you give the Softwave treatments?

We’ll guide you through the Softwave treatment step-by-step, ensuring we have your complete agreement before proceeding. To keep you comfortable, we’ll offer disposable draping.

For the treatment, we use ultrasound gel on the applicator and the areas we’re focusing on. We take extra care to ensure your safety by using sterile supplies.

The Softwave applicator can reach depths of up to 6 inches (though this depth isn’t always necessary) and will be gently applied to areas like the breast, lower abdomen, genital region, or pubic area, depending on your treatment requirements. Softwave is entirely noninvasive, free from drugs or invasive techniques. You might notice clicking sounds and feel gentle pulses stimulating your tissues, promoting your body’s natural healing process.

We will provide post-treatment instructions for you to follow.
The average session lasts about 20 to 25 minutes.

What should I do to prepare for my first appointment?

Before your first appointment, please fill out the New Client Intake Form—Pelvic Health.

Throughout the Softwave treatment, we’ll guide you step-by-step, ensuring your complete agreement before proceeding. To maintain your comfort and privacy, we’ll provide disposable draping.

For the treatment, we use ultrasound gel on the applicator and the areas we’re focusing on. This gel acts as a conductor, allowing the applicator to deliver the Softwave energy effectively. We use sterile supplies to ensure your safety.

The Softwave applicator can reach depths of up to 6 inches (though this depth isn’t always necessary). Depending on your treatment requirements, it will be gently applied to areas like the breast, lower abdomen, genital region, or pubic area. Softwave is entirely noninvasive, free from drugs or invasive techniques. You might notice clicking sounds and feel gentle pulses stimulating your tissues, promoting your body’s natural healing process.

We will provide post-treatment instructions for you to follow.
The average session lasts about 20 to 25 minutes.

We suggest wearing loose clothing that’s easy to put on and take off, allowing the therapist easy access to the treatment area. For the best results with SoftWave therapy, we strongly recommend shaving the designated area before your session. It ensures direct contact and better energy penetration into the tissue, maximizing the treatment benefits.

How soon can I expect to see improvements? How many sessions do I need?

Based on your needs, a typical treatment plan involves 6-12 sessions once a week. Initially, relief from pelvic pain may last only a few days after each session, but with subsequent sessions, the relief should last longer. It’s best to wait about twelve weeks after completing all sessions to fully evaluate results, as tissue regeneration takes around three months.

Depending on your condition, periodic maintenance treatments may be needed, ranging from once a month to once a year. These treatments help maintain stem cells in tissues and sustain long-term results.


What is the recovery process after undergoing treatment with the Softwave treatments?

Softwave therapy is non-invasive, so there’s no surgery involved. It’s done outside your body, making scheduling and returning to your daily routine effortless. You don’t need to take special time off afterward.  Avoid biking for 48 hours to protect the pudendal nerve from too much pressure.